Oct 05, 2006 21:25
life's goin fairly smooth.
working. started opening the place up myself.
not hard. still.
yesterday thomas and i left work an hour early
and picked up a case of beer.
we killed a 12 pack and watched sin city.
talked of music and salsaritas.
he said His plans for me
were to fire one of the spanish prep cooks (cuz he sucks)
get me to do front prep (easy ass work)
put me on salary, give me a manager's card and a store key
i'd work 4 days a week.
and each week get $350.
god damn. i want That job.
it's nearly double my current pay..
fuck being a manager XD
carpet's halfway done. it'll be finished tomorrow.
my room's nearly here. i hope.
LHR's going smoothly.
looks like we're adding rob (saving schmidty's bassist)
to our line-up as the second guitar.
i get to be pikesvillain's hype man
(the guy that yells shit with the rapper)
for a song. phuck yes.
got and beat new super mario brothers
currently working on 100%ing it.
i'd say i'm like.. 60% there.
tack on how much i love susan
and that's pretty much my life.
[desuba leef i ,enola leef uoy]