Jun 18, 2008 10:03
Okay, I will freely confess that I am no slave to fashion. But with that caveat I have got to say a few words about the stunning and snappy dressers in my office. Yea yea I know I work with engineers and worse than that some of them are researching types on top of it but for christ’s sake will you people consider basic color theory? I just passed someone (male) in the hallway that no joke was wearing baby blue pants (perhaps they were once dark blue but faded after years in the dessert sun or something?), navy socks, tan shoes (pale tan, not a decent brown), black belt and a blue checkered tablecloth, I mean shirt. People - focus.
In other news, yesterday morning when I let the dog out one of the cats came along. That is nothing new, the grey cat likes being a backyard creature from time to time and it is a running joke that he is more dog than the dog is (as the dog seems to detest being in the grass if it is even a bit damp. In his defense he is short enough that the grass hits his undercarriage and is I am sure a bit startling. But I digress). Yesterday, the grey cat went outside and promptly found a corner of the yard and made use of it (if only the dog could be so prompt??) Um, what the hell? Dave says we shouldn’t worry until he hikes his leg to pee. Me, I think it is time to stop letting the cat lick the dogfood bowl.