Jun 01, 2006 10:38
Yes i have finally decided that the party will be at grumpys. i find that grumpys has a more peronal feel to it then hatters, the alchool is better and at grumpys it is more centered around me :D and i love being at the center. besides i never liked puking at hatters (makes me feel like an underaged american) not that i have even puked during one of htese partys but the thought is still there.
next i would like the point of view of all classic majors in my friends list on this one. i have just watched a documentory about atlantis. some scholars seem to think that its in south america. now it was on the discovery channel and thus open to doubt because of that (i mean this is the same channel that had an "ark-ologist" as an expert) still they did have some good points and they did have the eygptologist that rns the cairo musium not shoot it down out of hand like he usully does. and i do respect him. anyway i would like to hear ppl points of view on this.