Jan 11, 2004 01:19
Ok, so yeah, the week started really shittily on Sunday. Things picked up nicely Monday night. Tuesday was meh. But Wednesday...Wednesday was fucking on. It was no doubt the best day of the year. Yes, the year is short, but it's going to be insanely hard to top.
First, I met my friend Alex, her girlfriend as well as her sister. Alex and I have been friends for years and I never get to see her. They drove up from St. Louis for the day. We went to Caribou and had coffee (well, I had coffee and they had tea) and then we went to Ferrara Pan to get cheap candy. Alex's sister apparently loves red hots but can't always find them in St. Louis. So yeah. They had a good time. I had an awesome time. Alex is one of my bestest friends and has been since sophomore year of high school. And I finally got to meet her in person. So, so awesome. Just wow. Unbelievable.
Just that right there would have made Wednesday a great day, but it got better. I went and got coffee with Kim that night and just chilled and talked and that was also most awesome. I hadn't done that with her in years and I kinda regret that. I'd grown apart from my really close friends the past year or so and it's good that things are getting to where they used to be.
And then Thursday I was on the phone for a couple hours chatting and playing tech support for my friend Chris.
Then tonight I went out with Kim and some of her friends. Baker Square and then a movie. This cat was staring at me though. Crazy guy was probably all hopped up on catnip.
In conclusion, despite the shaky start, this week has been one of the greatest ever. I love my friends and am glad that they didn't abandon me when I wasn't the greatest friend to them. I was an asshole before. I'd like to think I'm better now.
And with that, I bid you goodnight.