
Jun 09, 2010 19:27

If anyone still checks in here, hi.

I'm back; I'm me again. *waves at everyone* It was a slow process and though I never doubted I'd get here in the end, it seemed a thing that belonged to the future. You know? Two med adjustments, however, and after around four or so weeks on current dose, here I am. :)

It's so good to be myself. Good to pick up all my old interests and rediscover what awesome things I am capable of accomplishing. Good to feel connected again. And damn good to know what it is to be horny for my husband. That's gross, I know, TMI, but it's so true and so wonderful to feel desire after all this time. I feel good, and optimistic, and just happy. I'm reconnecting with the kids at work and I'm back to being a force for good in their lives, someone they can trust and talk to. And that's a good feeling too.

Everyone has noticed and commented. With the energy-sucking depression gone, I am out and about, working hard in my yard, and the weight is falling off me. I'm not hungry and I'm not eating to comfort myself or for something to do. Things are all falling into place.

*NOTICE*.....non-gardeners skip over the next few paragraphs. Just move on along, son.

So far since Spring I've divided and moved 17 hostas out of the east bed to the north shared property line with the neighbor (if you have hostas and know what it means when a hosta has sat undivided for 7 years, you'll appreciate what a huge chore that was to accomplish on my own) and more than doubled the size of the east bed, which entailed de-sodding and rototilling. Then I enriched the soil with 200 pounds of horse manure, 80 pounds of vermiculite, and all the compost I had in my heap. After that was the fun part,transforming the bed into a English cottage garden and all the lovely plant shopping that went into it. These were things on my to-do list last summer, things depression kept me from doing.

I've also divided and replanted about half of my existing perennials and actually tackled the disaster that is the west side of the garage. That bed is really not part of our property but it's been neglected for years and I am tired of looking at weeds against the back of my garage. I did that bed with sunflower mix, cannas, glads, and a daisy mix, with 3 dahlias planted at the corner. It's coming along pretty damn good.

Hardscape projects at Haus Salow include putting in a flush brick border for the new eastern bed and tearing off our small 8x11 kitchen porch and replacing it with a 14x16 porch/deck combination. The border we got done one long hot afternoon and evening, and work on the porch commenced last Friday night with the tear off of the old porch and the bracing of the extremely heavy sleeping porch above it. Curt has since demolished the heavy cement block base by himself. And underneath everything what do you suppose we discovered? The old cistern, a semi-circular limestone construction that apparently has no bottom. It's pretty awesome.

Anyhoo that's an extremely boring (for non-gardeners) snapshot of what life is supposed to be for Kym, and I can't tell you how glad I am to be participating fully in it. I've not gone into what it means to have Miss Dahli here with us; save that for another entry.

Later, Folks.
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