(no subject)

May 08, 2005 21:22

Last cigarette: i don't smoke
Last car ride: about an hour ago...home from work
Last good cry: last night...but it wasnt really a "good" cry
Last library book checked out: oooh god im not sure
Last movie seen: meet the fockers...for the third time
Last beverage drank: drinking pink lemonade right now
Last food consumed: eating some potato salad too
Last crush: for me to know, and him to maybe or maybe not find out
Last girl you wanted to have on their back: umm none that i can recall
Last phone call: -thinks- kristyn last night i believe
Last time showered: this mornnninnngg
Last shoes worn: aldo's
Last items bought: flowers and cards for mom and kristyn
Last website: this one, obviously
Last words you said: hmmmm i dont even remember
What color socks are you wearing?: white
What's under your bed?: a lot of dust
What time did you wake up today? like 9:30ish

Who do you want to live with? my future husband
What is your career going to be? el ed teacher
Where are you going to live? ri i think
How many kids do you want? 2 maybe
What kind of car(s): no se

Current mood: procrastinating lol
Current music: none surprising...cause im suspose to be studying...but "feel good inc"~gorillaz is on tv in a commercial...good song
Current hair: um, messy
Current clothes: jeans and my daves shirt cause im lazy
Current desktop picture: all you need is love---a photo that gavin took
Current book: my biology book
Nervous Habits? nail biting
Are you double jointed ? nopppe
Can you roll your tongue? negative
Can you raise one eyebrow? ha no
Can you blow spit bubbles? no...geez im so untalented
Tattoos? unt uh
Piercings? ears and cartiledge (2)

Which shoe goes on first? dont think it matters
Favorite piece of clothing? tshirts and hoodie
what is better than comfort? NOTHING.

Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
Have you ever eaten Spam? no...that reminds me of chris napa though
Favorite ice cream flavor? cherry garcia
How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? no se
What's your favorite beverage? iced tea and lemonade
What's your favorite restaurant? marchetti's
Do you cook? im not good at it...but its enjoyable

How often do you brush your teeth? once-twice a day
What is your hair drying method? depends
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair/what color?: frequently...next time on wed

_T or F._
You cook your own dinner: false.
Your parents still give you money for things: true
You walk around barefoot indoors most of the time: true/false lol
Your first car was new: false
You're completely broke right now: true
You spend your money wisely: true/false
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