So it's occurred to me that my life is not what I planned, but it's good.
My job is ok. I don't like it but it's secure and pays enough. It's even come to the point that the people above me recognize that I know what I'm doing and can be innovative too. It will suck driving an hour to work when I move but it's not a terrible drive and I don't mind driving, gives me time to think and listen to NPR.
Yes I've started listening to NPR. It make me feel informed, I feel like I've spent too long not paying attention to the world. Now I know that in France it is not uncommon to kidnap your former employer when you get laid off. It baffles me, aren't kidnappers supposed to be anonymous? Isn't that the point?
Body wise: I'm feeling good. I'm ten pounds heavier than I was last year but five pounds lighter than I was two months ago. Jon and I are looking into buying bikes. I think that'll be good. I'd really like to be able to bike to the grocery store and things like that. Save gas and burn calories. This makes Hippie Kym happy.
You know what also makes Hippie Kym happy? Fresh veggies. I bought a CSA share. Each week June-December we will get a box of assorted fresh organic veggies. The price works out to just over $20 a week. I think it's well worth it for what we'll likely get and it'll be an exciting experience.
Realms season is gearing up. I'm sad that I haven't been able to go to events and Chim gatherings lately due to many things happening. I'm working hardcore on my event. I've made AWESOME masks for the wheel monsters. I've spent several nights cutting out game tokens so we won't run out this year. I've spent many nights searching discount stores and clearance sections for neat auction items (And instant prizes!). I've made and revamped the menu. The test cook went well and was a huge help to iron out the kinks. I just have no idea of how many people are going to show up.
Jon's working on planning his event, I'm only really helping with sewing, and as a minor creative backboard. (That and trying to coordinate pick up and repair of the lac cubes, but I'm failing at that....) I don't know much about throwing quests but he has an interesting story and I think will do well at conveying it. Please come, he's stressing about that.
The house is stressful. With all the event prep I haven't even gotten close to giving it the cleaning it needs. I'm busy trying to make it so three tenants plus me move out at the same time, which is just before new renters come in and just after Justin and Kristen move out of Jon's place. This is stupidly complicated. The "plan" is to have everyone out of here by the end of June, although now I'm told that the end of May might be better. I don't really care, I just wanted it to be over with the sooner the better.
Love life: Things with Jon are going better than I could have ever imagined. We know how to talk to each other, rarely have to compromise because we usually want the same thing but are always willing to. We are constantly picking on each other in the most fun way possible. I can't wait to settle into the house with him. I think the cats will be happy too. Well, until we get a dog....