Jul 22, 2005 12:33
well look at that, it is friday already.
found out on wednesday that school doesn't start back up until the 22ns of august. i had been thinking i would be going back to school the first week of august. weird.
i have had my mind preoccupied with thoughts of existing. it is odd. like what would we as people do if everything had no cost? if you could just have the things you needed and wanted. would people work jobs they hate? would anyone work the menial shitty jobs?
i have found myself bored with the music on my mp3 player. i need to update it i think. i should spend this weekend downloading music. i need to get a new battery for my watch and a map of the world.
next week i will be going to mayhem. as this event draws closer i find myself feeling weird, like fish out of water weird. i have never been to denver. i have been looking up hotels to stay in. and i fear just finding a place to stay is going to cost me a month's rent. shitty. while i don't entirely mind sharing space with someone else, like an avante guarde camping trip, i do have a desire to have my own space that i can call my boudoir.
i should just book a room at the motel 6 and save myself the trouble and hassle.
today in the lab has been inactive, despite the fact that there is an orientation group here today. as usual it is cold here in my lab as well.
thinking too much about people that i shouldn't be thinking about. that is all i wills ay about that.
thought about aaron d. i had such high hopes, i used to be so open hearted. i wonder what happened? unfortunately for me i have been listening to slow romatic meloncholy songs, and singing along.
i think there is something i need, but i have no idea what it is. shitty.