dcbb: chasing the starlight [g]

Nov 07, 2013 22:06


click on image for full-size

  • made for mira_sisko's deancasbigbang story, Chasing the Starlight.

    Dean Winchester never thought he was good at much; so it was a pretty big leap when he joined Starfleet Academy at 18, graduated
    with honors, and became a Captain in record time. 11 years later in the year 2380, Dean must deal with the biggest threat to
    the Alpha Quadrant - The Borg King Lucifer. Dean finds himself on the precipice of death again and again and must face his own
    mortality, as well as the mortality of those he holds most dear. He comes face to face with the fact that no Starfleet Officer
    is safe, not even his Vulcan-Betazoid best friend and Chief Medical Officer, Castiel.
  • screencaps from Home of the Nutty and Screen Musings.
  • stock from fantmayo.
  • made in GIMP 2.8.

graphics:misc, gimp, lj:big bangs, tv:spn

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