Yuletide Letter 2013

Oct 14, 2013 18:54

Thank you in advance for whatever you plan on writing for me! & I’m really excited that you’re writing a fic in one of my requested fandoms. The fact that we share fandoms automatically makes you Awesome.
[Please do not include the following]
Rather than provide a convoluted list of things I enjoy reading, here is a general list of things I would really rather not have included in the fic you write for me:
  • incest
  • explicit underage sexual activity
  • mpreg
  • schoomp
  • PWP
  • non-con
  • infidelity
  • character bashing
  • unexplained OoCness

  • Avoid those and you’re Golden.

    In this post I’ve also included my optional details and more information on them. As the section title implies, none of these are obligatory, they’re just ideas that I thought might help.

    Now You See Me (2013)
    • Jack Wilder
    • J. Daniel Atlas
    • Henley Reeves
    • Merritt McKinney
    I would love to see more of the Four Horsemen prior to the film.
    How frustrating was it for Henley being Danny’s assistant? How many times did Jack see one of Danny’s shows? Was Danny the one that inspired him to become a magician? Merritt considers himself a never-was in regards to his career, but how accurate a portrayal is that really?

    I don’t really ship any of them, but I adore all four of these characters. I’d be interested in their lives before they became the Four Horsemen, or as they were becoming the Four Horsemen.
    • What made them want to become magicians? Was it something they saw when they were younger? Was learning magic tricks just a way to cure boredom until they realized how good they were at it? Was it always their dream to become a magician?
    • How long did it take them to learn to work together? What was their first show like? How did they meet Art? Did they know about what Art did to those families before New Orleans?

    The Fall Guy (TV)
    • Jody Banks
    • Howie Munson
    • Colt Seavers
    I would really just love to see fic in this fandom.
    What made Jody want to become a stunt-woman? What was it like for Howie in one of his short-lived college courses? How did Colt and Jody meet? What convinced him to hire her as his apprentice?

    Literally any thing that excludes things on my DNW list would make me happy in this fandom, because I’ve never seen fic for this. AUs, character studies or backstories, trope fics, coda fics, missing scenes - anything.

    The Mindy Project
    • Morgan Tookers

    Anything featuring Morgan as a prominent part of the fic will make me happy, even if it’s from someone else’s point of view.
    Morgan and Mindy on a road trip adventure.
    Morgan sharing more stories about his time in prison.
    Morgan playing matchmaker to Mindy and Danny or Betsy and Jeremy.

    Morgan had my attention when he fixed Mindy’s nose so calmly while everyone else seemed to be in a suspended state of mild panic. My original request mentioned prompts for characters I didn’t choose, so if you don’t wish to include them, here are some Morgan-centric prompts.
    • The minutes/hours/days before Morgan’s interview at Shulman & Associates. How many job has he had in the past 7 years?
    • What was Morgan like before prison? Or, the differences between Morgan pre- and post- prison. Does Morgan still keep in touch with his cousin, Lou? How many of his prison friends does he keep in contact with, if any? How much of what he learnt in prison does Morgan apply to his day-to-day life?
    • What made Morgan want to become a nurse? What was Morgan’s residency like?

    Sinbad (TV)
    • Anwar
    • Rina
    Anything with Anwar and Rina interacting would make me happy.
    Rina teaching Anwar how to pick a lock or a pocket.
    Anwar teaching Rina the medical names of bones in the human body.

    I ship Anwar/Rina, but as I mentioned, anything with the two of them interacting would make me happy. I’d prefer not to read Sinbad/Rina unless it ends with Anwar/Rina, either firmly identified as a couple or with an ending that hints towards a hopeful future for the two of them. This is another area where I’d also be happy with AUs, character studies or back-stories, trope fics, coda fics, missing scenes, & any variation thereof.

    Bates Motel
    • Dylan Massett
    I find Dylan’s character fascinating because he seems somewhat normal considering the fact that he comes from a rather odd family. Or maybe he’s not as ordinary as what we see in the show? How did living on his own from a young age affect him? Did he feel that having Norma as a mother prepared him for any obstacle he might encounter living on his own? How much of what Dylan tells Norman is fact, and not just embellished stories of mundane events?
    It looked like Dylan and Ethan could have been really good friends. It’d be cool to see more interactions between the two of them.

    I’m interested in the things Dylan got up to before he tracked down Norma and Norman. I’m definitely not adverse to fics of Dylan and his motorcycle (has he named his bike yet?) road-tripping across America.
    • I can’t remember if he stated why he decided to look for them, but regardless of if he did state why, it’d be nice to see that reason incorporated into the fic. Did glances of seemingly happy, ‘normal’ families make him forget how messed up his is and long for that familial companionship?
    • With what little we saw of Dylan and Ethan’s relationship, it seems like Dylan had no trouble making friends. How true is this assumption? If you decide it is true, what were those friends like? How long did those relationships last for and many of those friends does he keep in contact with?
    • What other (mis)adventures might he have had the (mis)fortune to participate in?

    If any of this sounds dauntingly precise, just remember that they’re more like guidelines. Feel free to alter anything that you think might hinder your creativity, or if you have another plot idea, feel free to disregard this post all together. I don’t want you to feel limited in what you can write, so let me just state that the order of this list, or length of each section in no way reflects a preference of one fandom over the other; I love them all equally. This is supposed to be a fun challenge, so don’t stress & enjoy it. To be honest, I’m just excited that someone is taking the time to write a fic for me, so I’ll be overly-happy with anything you write.
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