snowflake challenge: day one

Jan 10, 2013 03:30

over the past week, when I looked at the 'friends' pages of comms I'm in, I've constantly stumbled over posts about Snowflake Challenge. it vaguely piqued my interests when I saw Day Three posts, but it wasn't until Day Eight's challenge that I finally decided I'd give it a try.

Day 1
In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator.

I wouldn't say that these define me as a creator, because I don't really think I have a distinct graphic style. these are, however, some of my favourite artworks I've created for various big bangs.

divided ¦ artwork ¦ fic | witchesbigbang | original
  • this was my first ever full photomanipulation of a scene in a story. it was also the first time I'd used an unconventional shape for a banner. the whole thing was a lot of fun to make, & it's something I'm unashamedly proud of.

'cry havoc': all honorable men ¦ artwork ¦ fic | au_bigbang | generation kill
  • I honestly lovelovelove the banner for this. I love the colours and the layout probably because I used MS Paint to design the concept, & everything just went so smoothly while I was creating it. the second banner is also the first time I incorporated a gif in an otherwise still image. that part was a slight pain, but a definite learning experience.

don't ever look back ¦ artwork ¦ fic | debriel_mini | supernatural/harry potter crossover
  • this is a rare, rare post because it includes actual coloured drawings I made. this isn't my first paintover, but drawing Dean's hair in a way that wasn't completely crap in comparison to Gabriel's was extremely hard. the wands, on the other hand, were a lot of fun to draw.

special mentions

only human ¦artwork ¦ fic | spn_j2_bigbang | supernatural
  • while making these graphics, I finally, finally figured out how to use the pen tool.

the life & times of alan j. corbett ¦ artwork ¦ fic | pre_post_spnbb | supernatural
  • I really love the book effect I managed to create here.

& set this house on fire | rarepair_shorts | harry potter
  • on super-rare occasions, I write fanfics. this one was written on my other account for leigh_adams. it was interesting to write because I set myself an additional challenge of writing exactly 25 words per section.

comments on any or all of these pieces would be greatly appreciated, especially if you could take a few minutes to read and comment on the wonderful fics that inspired the graphics.

recs:self-recs, challenge:snowflake, recs:fanfics, tv:spn, movie:hp, tv:gk, recs:graphics

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