The Ultimate Politics Survey
Describe your stance on:
Abortion: only if it\'s medically necessary
Affirmative Action: eh, i think we\'ve reached equlity, at least we\'ve made good progress. we should be judged on performance.
Age of Consent: 16
Animal Testing: only on rats
Death Penalty: more like torture of egaul value
Downloading Music/Movies: if it\'s paid for
Drug Decriminalization: huh?
Factory Farming: huh?
Free Trade: yeah
Funding of Arts: yeah
Gay Marriage: yeah
Gun Control: no guns. period.
Immigration: with extensive background check and basic english skills
Hardcore Pornography: fuckyeahgoddamnpussycocksukerfuckmeharderdaddyivebeenabadgirl
Human Cloning: no
Miltary Draft: if you optionally signed up for it
Minimum Wage: higher with no inflation please
Prostitution: eh... maybe we\'ll just keep it in vegas
School Vouchers: huh?
Taxes: it needs to be done
United Nations: yes, as long as \"the doubleya\" has no say
Universal Health Care: yes
War on Terrorism: depending on today\'s definition.... then tomorrow\'s, then the next day\'s
Welfare: controlled
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