WIL North Texas Kick Off Games and Workshops Week2

Mar 01, 2010 10:18

WIL North Texas Kick Off Highland Games

1)I have apparently never worn my hair down around my gamers, they all made comments on it.
1a) Highland Games folks prefer that women have long hair.
1b) At the shortest my hair has been in a decade they still call it long.

2) My age and martial status seem to surprise folks, despite the fact that they have known me off and on for 6 years now (all of which I have been with Glenn) and have been drinking beers with them the whole time.

3) My hieght events and hammers need some SERIOUS work.

4) Busting 30 in stone and 50 in weight for distance feels awesome.

5) Finding out that we get a shot at Arlington this year RULES! Women's class will be on Friday at 5PM - everyone should come support us.

6) No one trash talks better than the Masters division.

7) There are as many fussy papa bears at Games as there are mother hens at faire - I swear I have had enough water, food and sunscreen. PROMISE!

8) Having a game hosted by friends go so smoothly for them really is a great reward.

9) Getting to throw with "my girls" is always a treat

What I learned Workshops Weekend 2

1) Spending a weekend heavily focusing on physicality really is important and will help the over all performance of the cast a GREAT deal.

2) The woobie factor in Fauna is HUGE.

3) Getting to work with Billy G was nice, even if I did scare the hell out of him.

4) This seems to be my theme this year (apparently knowing I am going to take a break after this year makes it that much easier to shoulder a heavy load) -
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

5) People who do not understand the full measure of something should not pass judgment out loud to those that do - it makes them look stupid, is not their place, it robs authority and credibility from the person who's place it is to make such judgments and it pisses people off.

6) The HCM classes seem to be well received on the whole this year. This is pleasing as an instructor, as a cast member and as a performer. These lessons will impact our audience in different ways.

7) How well the classes are meshing together this year is a real gift.

8) Being asked to help with other subjects is great!

9) Accusation is not action - I have to keep this in mind.
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