Candles Anonymous ??!?

Apr 17, 2006 20:13

So...I am sitting here and I wonder, do you think there is such a thing as Candles Anonymous.  Kinda like a support group for people who have too many candles, who can't say no to a new candle???  LOL  Oh my gosh,
hulasharka brought the REST of my candle order over and I went to put them away...because I already have like 5-6 on the entertainment center now...and I found a couple of more that I haven't even burned yet.

I blame it all on whoever got me started on Gold Canyon Candles.

Hi, my name is Kym, and I am a candle junkie.  I have never met a candle I didn't like LMAO.

On to other things....Braden seems to be doing a little better.  It is still hard for him to talk, or eat, or drink. but other than that things are just peachy with him.

We leave for Anchorage this weekend to pick up the trailer - think good thoughts for a safe drive - I am a little nervous about pulling something that is 29 feet behind the truck - I will be biting my nails for sure!

Well...I have homework to do and I better get it done since we will be gone this weekend.

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