OMG! I'm posting about myself!

Sep 11, 2006 15:35

As some of you may not know.
A few days ago... I washed and cleaned my car.
bought a whole bunch of stuff to make it all shiney...
the clean the seats and stuff inside.

What a disaster.

The car is all shiney... except.. i never could get all the dead bugs off... even with all the scrubbing.
And there seems to be this weird residue on my windshield.
Its not on any of the door windows... which makes me believe it has something to do with the wipers. Which I need to replace anyways.

But, anyhow. I cleaned the inside, got a spot remove to get some stains out of the seats from messy passengers...
and cleaned the floor mats.
I had gotten some 'RESOLVE' since they are carpetted mats.
And I may have used a bit to much.
I sprayed it on.. let it dry in the sun, and vacuumed it.
But a horrid toxic smell was left. I thought... maybe if I drive with my windows open it'll get rid of the smell... like a lingering leftover..
This morninging I get the carpet steam cleaner.. fill that with a heavy duty cleaner... and re-clean them that way.
Now they smell like soapy flowers... Which is ok with me, because that smell never gave me a splitting headache.

Now they're sitting in my room under the watchful eye of a new fan I got for my room [since the ceiling fan sucks].
Alls thats left if after they dry, I'm gonna spray em with frabreeze to give them a nice scent. Then back in my car they go.
And since I took them out of my car yesterday, and air out my car on the way home this morning, it no longer reaks of fuming death!

This coming weekend, I'm gonna head out and get new wipers, since it has been a year, and clean the front and rear windshield with a glass cleaner to get rid of the residue.
I figured some sort of grease on the old wipers is causing it in reaction to the washing. *shrugs*

Also, next weekend I'm getting a new mattress and boxspring for my bed! Wooo!
The old one is all used and old and way to soft from use.
I like to sleep in a semi-hard bed, cuz of my back and all.
I like to wake up and be able to crack my back just by twisting to my left and right.
As of right now, I've been sleeping in the guestroom [my brother's room] since that matress is still brand new and Oh so comfy!
That and my old matress, was already thrown out.
This weekend always starts to calling to fix all my things digital..
My computer [yeah I know, i've been lazy on getting it fixed], my Ipod.. I so miss my music... and a new car charger for my phone...
Unless I decide to get a new phone... the moneies will be saveded up for that...
Don't know what I should get though...

Well... I should get on off to bed, as since I have work tonight. And alls the peoples thats I normally talks to around 2-3pm have gone away or are away.
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