Dec 12, 2008 16:56
opsies! past the one month mark!
My Christmas vacation officially started today! Wheeeee :). Visiting Nelson was fun and slightly unsettling, with the grade nines in that school being almost ten years younger, and most of the teachers at the school a few years older than me. Geez. Seeing the teachers that made such a key impact in my life was...relaxing. They will always be the guides and mentors that initiated the shaping of my academic self, but the intimidation factor is gone. Many have retired and moved on, a few have passed away. Ah well, Nelson needed a teaching face lift anyways :).
In memory of Nik, the Queen's Biochemistry and Fencing communities donated nearly $800 to the Youth Assisting Youth program, handed in as of today. I hadn't had a chance to get up to Finch station during daylight hours since the collection, and finally had possession of a vehicle today. Just in time for the holidays. :)
I had a PhD interview last Friday, or so I thought. It turned out to be a simple presentation to the lab, sitting in on a lab meeting, and Dr. Adeli asking when I could start. So..yes, it went well. His research is somewhere between my current project and my fourth year project, so I fit in well with what he does, and will join the team with at least a basic background on the material, which is always a bonus :). I'm...slightly nervous now, with planning to finish in August, finding a place in Toronto (we're looking into purchasing a condo), and being sad about leaving Kingston. Ah well, focus on vacationing for now :D.
Speaking of which...Miami in 3 days! We're leaving Sunday for Buffalo, fly out to Miami on Monday, bum around Miami/Orlando/Ft. Lauderdale until the 22nd, jump on a cruise over Christmas to visit the Caribbean islands, and relax until the 29th in Miami. I'm a little uncomfortable in a two-piece, mainly because I haven't been eating as healthy, and have grown a layer of insulation all around....but ah well, nothing I can do about it now. Tanning shall be the focus this trip, that and not burning :P.
...I do get my own cabin on the cruise ship....hehehehehe