Jul 07, 2010 18:46
The Care and Feeding of Me
Meme ransacked from Wanderlustlover
Figured I fill this out. Don't say much on here but these questions sparked an urge to say something. Some things you might not know.
1. How can I tell if you're angry?
Depends on who you are and what you've said. But I rarely yell...I get emotional. ;)
If you are a lady friend, I'm probably pretty quiet. I don't like confrontation so sadly, unless you are the select few, I probably won't ever tell you.
If you are a select few males in my life, you probably think I am temperamental and irritable. It's because you pushed me to be so. That is my defense mechanism. You say something that makes me mad, I'm gonna be a smart ass.
If you've dated me, first, I'm gonna get quiet and brood. If you ask me what's wrong, better be prepared to keep the smartass to yourself, or you'll just dig the hole deeper. At that point, my irrational side will just take over and nothing you say to me is going to make a difference at this moment. Best to just leave me alone for now.
Boy this makes me sound moody. In actuality, for the most part, I am pretty indifferent about stuff. Most of the time, if I'm angry it's stupid and a result of other factors.
2. How should I behave around you if you're angry?
I need space unless I come to you. Often times, I understand rationally in the back of my mind that this anger is unfounded or misplaced. Don't keep poking, it just makes me emotional as I react like a deer in headlights. I am not quick on my feet when I am angry so I will feel cornered.
Most of the time, if you aren't the one I'm mad at, I just need you to listen. Not question my every emotion. Often, I just got angry because I'm tired, or stressed, or hungry. If I want your opinion, I'll ask.
3. How do you want me to behave when you are hurting emotionally? How is it best to comfort you?
I need hugs and an ear to listen. I like to talk. When I'm under stress, I may ramble incessantly. You can even tune me out really, as long as I feel like you are vested. I'm just trying to process my feelings.
4. Are there things we should not discuss?
Funny you should ask, because I would prefer not to answer that question. If you ask me something I don't want to talk about, I'll tell you.
5. How should I treat you when you are ill?
Ooooooooozzing sympathy. When I'm sick, I just want my mommy. A comfy bed, some liquids and food. Don't expect anything from me. If I'm not contagious, snuggles.
6. What makes you happy that's in my power to grant you?
Your presence. And having absolutely no expectations of me. Sometimes it's nice to just exist together.
7. How would you like us to recognize your birthday?
Acknowledgment is the big one. I like getting a group together to celebrate but I don't care what we do. Just that everyone came to celebrate my life. I LOVE theme parties.
I just wish that just once, I wasn't the one planning my own birthday. I feel less important because I go so far out of my way to try to make other people's birthday special, I hope for the same. That kinda kills it for me. I would love a birthday where I am simply told where to be, when, and (if necessary) what to wear.
8. Are there any standing categories of presents that would be appropriate or unwelcome?
Appropriate: This might sound awful but cold hard cash. Unless you know I really wanted something, cash is just easier because I get alot of grief from the hubby about how much stuff I own. =) I am a notorious packrat and trying to fix that. Cash offers me flexibility. Maybe there is an expensive item I have been saving for, maybe I just want to treat myself to a massage.
Unwelcome: "Adult" gifts. My bedroom shouldn't be part of your present. There is a thin line between funny and awkward.
9. Are there times of the year that are difficult for you? Please explain if you are comfortable.
Thanksgiving and Christmas. So many houses so little time and a not so "family stuff" kinda husband. One side of the family is all about planning and times. The other side is up in the air even up to the day of.
Some birthdays. I want to be there for everyone and lavish them with attention and make their day special but in this busy world, it is often not a possibility or very short.
My birthday. Because I always have to plan it. And for some reason, I often feel lonely because people I consider my friends, don't make much of an effort to be around. Most years, I'm just planning an outing downtown. I don't just plan it a few days before either. I give weeks notice. That doesn't seem like much to ask for, yet I invite all these people and only a few show up. Yet for Michael's birthday, it's a wild party and everyone is there. People go out of their way to do something special or dress up for the theme. Makes me feel...awful. Reminds me that most of the people I call friends, I know because of him and it makes me feel like they don't really view me as their friend. Just his wife. I usually get over it though, when I remind myself of the people who are there to celebrate with me. The past few years, I've cried on my birthday b/c outside of family and a few friends, I have felt easily disguarded and unimportant.
10. Are there important anniversaries in your life?
My wedding anniversary will be but haven't had my first one yet.
The day after Thanksgiving. That's the day my husband and I met.
My nearest and dearest birthdays.
11. How do I cater for you if you are visiting me?
Show me the town and keep me moving! I don't like to stay idle unless we have worn ourselves out. I want to know your favorite local restaurant, see the sites, meet your friends.
12. If I want to contact you, how should I do it?
Sadly, in this day and age, text me. I'm bad about answering the phone or returning a call, unless I called you and are expecting a response.