Cody's here!

Mar 06, 2012 23:31

Long time since last post and the reason is that Cody has finally arrived and turned our lives upside down in a very good way.
The birth was just as ordered. Bjrønar had put a deadline on monday the 6th and my water broke on monday the 6th at 2300, Cody arrived tuesday the 7th at 0235. The birth was quick and painfull, a lot more so than expected, but when you've never done it before it's hard to imagine the type of pain. Don't think I can complain though since it only took 2,5 hours...

Both Antony and I were quite ill the first weeks. Antony had a sinus infection and I had a bad cold and was coughing my lungs out. It's very hard and painfull to cough after giving birth, both because I had stitches in places that are effected by coughing and because your tummy muscles are non excisting. So there's really no punch in the coughs and it was no fun what so ever.

It's now been 4 weeks and things are starting to fall into place. Cody is healthy and happy and very little trouble. He sleeps well and eats well. He actually eats a lot! Last time we went to have him weighed he'd gained 665 grams in two weeks, while the average weight gain is 300-500 for two weeks. My weight loss on the other hand has also been quite impressive and I'm only 4 kg away from my normal weight, which means I've lost 11 kg in 4 weeks.

Life as a mom is good and I'm very happy. There are of course moments when you feel kinda helpless and it feels like all you do is wrong, for those moments I have Antony and he has me :) He is doing a great job and I'm so thankfull for having a man who is so involved and caring :) Lucky me!

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