Dec 19, 2011 09:50
It's now only 2 months left and I feel like a big baloon. My tummy feels like it could burst at any moment and moving around is getting hard.
I think I've actually gotten bigger since friday. My tummy is now touching the desk and I'm having trouble reaching tha keyboard without squizing my tummy in the desk. Just imagine how bad it will be in january.
I now have a little over 5 weeks left at work before I have my maternety leave. I'm starting to really look forward to some time off, although there's not much to at home either.
I spend all my free time on the couch and I'm starting to get pretty fed up. but I'm hanging in there....
I've put on almost 10 kg, which is very normal. Avarege weight gain is 10-12 kg, so as long as I don't gain 10 kg the lasts monthjs I'll be fine :)