Bah Humbug

Dec 06, 2006 09:43

Well this time of year has rolled around again. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. I can honestly say I hate this time of year more then any other. I feel so cut off from the rest of the world, and the worst aprt is I know its self imposed ( Read more... )

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You say that christmas is traditionally bad for you... fire_true December 6 2006, 23:18:58 UTC
But your wrong. Look at the journal entries of the past two christmas holidays IN A ROW. If your bah-humbuggy, its not the holiday but the fact that you only choose to look back on the bad Christmases. You might forget but as you constantly remind me I have a mind like a steel trap and this time I proof to back it up so remember the good two, three, or more christmases in a row and even if you felt down about it at first you had people there with you. Weather you continue to ingore the good in your life is up to you:

Merry Christmas To ALL! [Dec. 26th, 2004|09:12 am]
Well christmas has come and one yet the spirit of it still hans fresh in the air. I woke up this mornin and pluged the christmas tree back in to see how pretty it is in the darkness of the livin room. :)

I recieved present a plenty rom all those around me, and tried to give in return. (i still have a few to buy but im kinda broke at the moment).

From my moter I recieved a 300 dollar gift certificate to

I recieved a wallet and matchin manetic money clip
a t-shirt of things NOT to say to someone once uv beaten them in a game
a t-shirt with a wolf on it
(grins as me and nick have shared a few of these comments before)
Total Recall on VHS. a true classic of a movie.
Dark Cloud 2 for the playstation 2 (drools)
a $10 dollar gift certiicate or best buy
A new set fo sheets for the new king size bed (280 thread count cotten/sateen)
Hazlenut truffles in the shape of seashells
a stocking FULL of goodies
A Gameboard of a chineese/japanesse game called GO (now to learn to play)
a gift card from mama toni for a free dinner (within reason) at a major resturaunt
2 vanilla scented candles
a cofee cup with a great scene on it (grins wryly)
a candle putter outer
A wolf statue
A wolf indian relic
im sure theres more but im being told its time to start work

*waves* thank you all of my friends!
May your holidays all be as merry as mine.
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