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May 25, 2011 12:29

Ever had a dream that made you think you were more creative than you really are?

I had two dreams. The first one I had two little sisters and one little brother. I think we were defending the Earth from an alien invasion. The aliens were like us, humanoid, but they were a bit more red and had purple streaks across their bodies. I think one of them threw a ball of energy at me and I materialized a giant bat and hit it back to him or something.

I think this was the same dream, but a bit later I'm in this mansion I apparently live in, and a bit of my real memory creeps in. I think there were a couple details like my littlest sister being angry with me, and me taking out the trash in this kitchen that resembled my real one (not the kind you'd find in a mansion). The real memory was that I lived with my mother most of my life, a single parent, as an only child. The only conclusion I could come to was that someone went back in time and married my mother after I was born, creating these other children and this alternate reality. I guess I woke up shortly after accusing my mother of remembering as well but not caring.

The last dream was really amazing. It was like I was in a Disney musical mixed with a sort of anime style. The first scene was these kids fighting against shadow creatures. They had a robot companion with them that was providing the only source of light with his glowing eyes, and the shadow creatures just barely stayed at bay from this light. Some of them attacked anyway. Some sort of flying shadow crows up in the sky decided 'screw it' and grabbed the robot, making the light go away and changing the scene. Suddenly, a girl was walking around with a torch, and the way the scene changed it was like the robot opening its eyes to create that light and then it's revealed the light was made by a torch. I guess cinematic techniques creep into your dreams. So, the girl sees a younger girl next to a broken companion robot, except this one is pink and in pieces. They're both depressed, because they thought the other just came to save them (I assume some bad stuff is going on, what with the shadow creatures in he previous scene and the dearth of adults).

So, the older one tries to help fix the robot, and they start singing. Just so everyone knows, I have no singing ability. I'd love to, but my accent just mangles anything song-like that comes out of my mouth. But these girls had perfect singing voices and had matching lyrics. I think, at this point, I was there too, but I was in this living room type of place, and I was watching this unfold as if I was watching a movie. It was a dark, nighttime, so I started to get worried that someone was hearing the movie.

Man, I hope we progress one day to where you're watching a movie from inside a movie. Talk about immersion. Imagine BEING the camera, see what you want to see at any angle or distance you choose. Right now you sort of have that in video games, but it's different. Typically you're the main character, it's all rendered graphically, not actual actors, and it doesn't happen the whole way through. Plus, you're still looking at a monitor in a video game. It's not virtual reality.

Anyway, another striking thing about the song is I vividly remember the tune and some of the lyrics. I know that in the dream the lyrics were perfect, and I lost some of that memory upon waking up, but I was amazed that I could create a tune and lyrics that matched the scene on the spot. I'm thinking that maybe I heard the tune somewhere before, but who knows? It's certainly more likely that I borrowed it from the back of my memory instead of creating it from scratch. I woke up in the middle of the song, probably because reality creeped in after I thought I was watching a movie and was worried people who were sleeping might hear it.

I hate it when dreams end that way. I've had some that didn't end abruptly and reached their (logical) conclusion, but the vast majority don't. They end on a cliffhanger. I try to avoid watching TV series until a season is over so I can avoid those stupid cliffhangers, but I can't avoid them in my dreams! It's because I'm too damn self-conscious in my dreams. I start worrying in certain situations what others may think and then I usually wake up shortly after. Why do I care? Some cool stuff is happening, why do I care what others think? Oh well.
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