fanfic: Grey's Anatomy.

Jun 23, 2007 19:30

Title: And so it begins, again. (1/?)
Rating PG
Pairing George/Izzie (Grey's Anatomy)
Summary What happens after Didn't we almost have it all?.

The wedding had come to an abrupt ending an hour ago, yet Izzie felt herself unable to leave her spot on the pew. She wasn't sure why she was still here, whether she was hoping that George would still turn up or if she was just avoiding going home, to her room, that held too many memories of George. Not that she wasn't actively thinking of him anyway - What he would have said if they hadn't been interrupted earlier, why he hadn't come to the wedding...

She was starting to get the sinking feeling that he just couldn't face her to tell her that he didn't feel the same way. Or worse, that he did - but couldn't leave Callie.

She was pulled out of the thought as she felt a presence with her in the room. Hopeful, she turned around slightly to face the back of the church. An overwhelming wave of disappointment swept over her as her eyes met those of Callie. Eyes which Izzie was surprised to find were full of resentment and a tinge of anger.

Had George told her?

No, Izzie decided. Because if he had, there'd be yelling already.

It was a far cry from the ecstatic mood the dark haired woman had been in earlier, as she'd relayed her baby plans to Izzie. Including the fact that they'd already started trying today, Izzie was reminded, and she suddenly started feeling nauseous. She shut her eyes tightly and looked away.

The minutes past, and Callie said nothing. Izzie almost expected to open her eyes to find her gone.

No such luck.

"Callie?" Izzie asked tiredly, confusion evident in her voice. Callie refused to look at Izzie, and her next words were low and bitter.

"I'll be sure to tell George that you were looking for him."

And without so much as a second hesitation, she spun around and walked away.


The sky had come over grey, and the rain had begun falling before Izzie had a chance to step outside. She'd waited only five minutes after Callie had left herself, keen on avoiding any other confrontations with the woman, but was unable to sit there any longer.

She ran as fast to her car as her high heeled shoes would allow, but by the time she unlocked and swung open the front door of Meredith's house, she was soaked head to toe.

"Meredith?" She called out, pushing her dripping hair out of her face. "Alex?"

When the only sound that greeted her was the distant rumble of thunder, Izzie surmised that she was home alone. Meredith wasn't a surprise - she was probably helping Cristina deal with the collapse of her almost-marriage. Alex however, was a mystery.

Maybe it's a good thing nobody's here, Izzie thought as she took to the stairs. She was feeling unsurprisingly unchatty, and suspected there was trouble with Meredith and Derek. And right now, tonight, her own problems with George and Callie were enough, as selfish as that made Izzie feel. All she wanted right now was to have a hot shower, something to eat, and to go to sleep.

She'd succedeed with only the first when the knock came at the door. Standing in front of the fridge, dressed in some track pants, a singlet top and her warm, fuzzy dressing gown, her breath hitched in her throat. There was only so many people that could be.

"I'm coming." she yelled in the direction of the front door. When she made it there, it only took one look at the darkened outline of the figure through the glass in the door to

know who it was. Her hand hesitated on the door knob, as she realised that she really had no idea what she wanted to say to him. Despite her words to him that she'd support him in a decision to stay with Callie, he'd promised to talk to her at the wedding. And he'd never turned up.

But she couldn't - wouldn't - leave him standing out in the rain. She slowly pulled the door open, and as she took in his wet and crestfallen appearance, any trace of anger towards him disappeared.

"Oh, George." She breathed.

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