With Valentine's Day coming up next month, I thought it might be nice to set up a Secret Sweetheart exchange, similar to the Secret Santa Exchange that
cleodora set up for the winter holidays! I have a small number of friends on this journal, so please feel free to share the link to this entry with other people who might be interested!
<3 Sign-ups end on January 23 and I will email you with your assigned person's details by January 25.
<3 Please send your package so that it will arrive by mid-February. Of course, delays do happen. Please just e-mail me to let me know (address below) if there will be a delay, and you can let me know in your sign up comment if you cannot ship internationally.
<3 A gift budget of $25 US/$15 UK should work out well (you do not need to spend that much, just consider it a guideline for a spending limit); you can also send handmade items, highly encouraged!
<3 Specify is there is a type of gift that you would not like to receive in your sign up comment.
<3 If you are unable to fulfill your role as a Secret Sweetheart, please e-mail or lj message me as soon as possible so I can make alternate arrangements.
<3 Put as much detail into your sign up post as you'd like; the more, the better so that your Secret Sweetheart can give you a gift you will really enjoy!
<3 Use this as a networking opportunity and add a little bit about yourself if you'd like to get new friends on lj!
Spread the Word!
Post a link to this entry on your own journal if you'd like to give your other lj friends the chance to participate (not required). I am *not* HTML savvy, so I don't have a cool link to throw out there. :(
Sign Up Survey - post as a comment to this entry:
Clothes sizes:
Links to public profiles that will help your Sweetheart get to know you:
Anything you definitely don't want to receive?:
fandoms (movies, books, etc):
About your journal, if you want new lj friends:
LAST STEP: E-mail me at kyliejeannehicks at gmail dot com with the following information:
Name & lj username:
Link to your sign up comment:
Can you ship outside your country/continent?: