Feb 02, 2009 15:40
Ok, so I'm hearing from someone over at Haven that in the new Sky magazine, the director is hinting at where the series is going to go.
"That Bones is going to ask Booth to donate sperm to be the father of her baby."
They haven't ripped off the Mulder/Scully UST relationship enough already? Let me guess, the IVF will fail, but they'll end up sleeping together anyway and Bones will get pregnant?
PLEASE tell me this shit isn't true. I was going to start renting all the old eps of Bones just to see what the hype is about, but if this is what they're going to do, maybe I'll just skip it. *rolls eyes*
bones = x-files's redheaded stepchild,
epic fail,
mulder + scully invented ust,
wtf dude?