Puppy update

Jul 19, 2009 17:12

Things FINALLY seem to be progressing normally with the puppies!

Tink is finally doing her motherly duties and licking them to death.  They told me she would probably be out of it for most of yesterday because of the anesthesia and painkillers from her surgery, but she seems back to normal today.  She seems so TINY now though - she gained 2lbs when she was pregnant, and now without the babies (and her uterus, haha!) she seems so light when I pick her up!  She's eating well though, and I got some extra-strength Tums to give her as calcium supplements.

Two of the puppies (the grey male and the black/tan female) are finally suckling.  The black/tan male still isn't suckling, and I'm not sure if he will because he seems to have a really weak suck reflex.  I've been trying to feed him with a bottle and it just isn't working, so I switched to a 1cc syringe that the vet gave me and that seems to be working better.  At least with a syringe, I can better control how much formula he's getting and I'll know how much he's had.  He's apparently supposed to be getting 20-30cc per day of formula, so I'm going to try him on 4cc every 3-4 hours and see if I can get him to pick up some weight.

I've decided that if the black/tan male survives, I'm going to be calling him Milagro.  I KNOW its a female name, but I figured I can call him Milo as a nickname, and he IS my little miracle.  Send him all your good thoughts, he'll need them!

Oh, so I should probably give you some puppy vital statistics:

Black/tan male (Milagro) - 3.9 oz (he hasn't gained any since his birth)
Black/tan female - 3.2 oz (up from 3.1 when she was born)
Blue/cream male - 3.9 oz (up from 3.7 when he was born) - he's the strongest one in the litter, he's got a nice strong suck reflex and eats like a horse!

omg puppies!

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