...taken from TV Tropes, specifically the
Fridge Brilliance page.
"For a while I was battling depression and going through something of an emo phase. When I told a buddy how hard it was for me to face the day sometimes he pointed to my interest in Super Sentai and Kamen Rider, shows about people willing to sacrifice everything to fight against evil and hopelessness. He reminded me that writers always inject some of themselves into their characters, and so I wouldn't respect the nobility of characters like that, let alone write my own Sentai, if I didn't believe courage like that really existed and have a measure of it myself. I felt like such a fool for not seeing that prior to that conversation. -starofjustice"
"This may work better in Musings, but: nuclear (adj.) of or pertaining to the nucleus, of an atom, etc. and so forth. Usually referenced in terms of 'nuclear power'. Now, historically the 'correct' or 'educated' pronunciation is "New-cle-ar" or "New-clear." However, George W. Bush, Sarah Palin and others pronounce it "Nuke-you-ler." Is this because people with more education about nuclear power more optimistically see it as part of a "new, clear" future of affordable energy - while Cold War phobias affect those who fear change and can only thing about how to "nuke you" with missiles?"
"I've found that all the crappiness in the world makes perfect sense without the need for any Illuminati/Freemason/Knightstemplar etc... when you realize that all the people in the world from plumbers to presidents are human and that a human's first reaction to a stressful situation is to go, "What would Ogg the Caveman do?" - Les "
More thoughts later.