Goodbye Livejournal and Hi Blogspot

Jun 28, 2007 23:44

Well, after 4+ years of using livejournal and watching my posting activity and even friends-page checking activity decline over the months and years, I've decided to stop posting in here altogether and begin anew. Not that I'm deleting this journal or account or all the stuff it contains or anything. Everyone needs funny, embarassing material to look over from their earlier years.

So what now? I think I'm switching over to blogspot or one of those other utilities. I'm spending this summer studying for the MCAT's. I'm spending either this year or next applying to medical schools and (hopefully) interviewing at some. And the concept of chronicling this process and this stage of my life suddenly appealed to me, and that calls for a new venue. Who knows, it's just as apt to end in a few weeks if I lose motivation. Perhaps I won't get into medical school, in which case it would be a good what-not-to-do read for pre-meds. Or perhaps it'll be something like this livejournal, which will contain a great survey into a big chunk of my life. Lastly, perhaps blogging will help me on the essay portion of the MCAT. :-)

One other thing. For a blog to actually have meaning, it needs to have honesty. I can't honestly say that everything I've ever written in this journal was a perfect and accurate depiction of my state of mind. It was always written to some extent or other with the idea that other people would be looking at my words. Hopefully, I can incorporate more no-holds-barred honesty into whatever I say on my blogspot page. And hopefully that won't fuck up my chances at getting into med school. Ha, actually, I'm not thattt brave / stupid.

It's been a pleasure to have read (the first 3 years anyway) everyones' journals and musings, and I'll probably keep using LJ to check up on my friends page. See ya!

- Kyle

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