I've had a longpost kind of day.

Aug 16, 2007 21:37

I really wanted (read: NEEDED) a shower this morning, but I overslept and had to walk into work a few minutes late and stinky again. I need to stop doing that. It's so hard to get out of bed in the morning, even though both my alarm clock and my cell phone alarm go off in the space of about two minutes. Perhaps I am just staying up too late.

At work, Shaun told me that he'd gotten a call from a Lindsay, who works at a convenience store. Apparently Britain was now living in her house instead of Amanda's, and instead of his moped being "stolen," as he'd told us, he sold it to her and she lets him borrow it. ANYWAY, she called Shaun because Britain was in jail, pulled over for driving with a busted brake light and they found out he had an outstanding warrant. And I don't mean that as in an exceptional qualification. That was around 2 a.m.
Around eight something, Shaun gives me the news. He tells me of a plan. You see, my late Granny's estate had just been finalized and whatnot a few days ago, and last Friday Mom got a check for me and each of my brothers, $5,675 apiece. Since Britain had not contacted us for some time, we were just going to hold on to his until we could figure out what to do with it. Now we had the opportunity. Shaun said that he planned to have Britain's (new girlfriend?) bail him out, then he would take Brit to cash his check. Shaun would get to hold ALL Of the cash, sans his bail and the impound fees for the moped. My family would run up some tallies and take out the cost of his thefts from his inheritance, and give him whatever was left.
Over the course of the day, I became more convinced that this was a bad idea. My alternative was to leave Britain in jail over the weekend, then use the check to string him along and have him sign confessions to committing all those break-ins (and stealing Mom's credit cards, running up about $2,500 in less than a month on them), turn over the remainder of the check (sans our repayments) and let him face the legal system on his own, like he deserves. Mom and Shaun, however, outvoted me and decided to spring him today. Shaun wanted money to fix the damage that Britain had done to his car all those years ago, and Mom claims she just wants this whole thing over with. I pointed out that it wouldn't be "over with" until he was busy learning his lesson, from behind bars, but she was unswayed.
Well, it worked out in the end. We couldn't cash the check today, but it's going to be deposited in Mom's account tomorrow, then we'll leave in the money he owes Mom, transfer about $435 to my account, give Shaun $800+ for his car repairs... When all is said an done, Britain gets just a little more money out of it than me: $460. I don't think that's enough to cover his back child support. Not by a long shot.

Tomorrow I get to put in some more overtime at work. I should pay off the remaining balance on my car loan and live debt free again, then see about training for a job that doesn't involve inhaling toxic smoke for ten hours a day.


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