holy crap.... my mom is printing an all black page.. caramba. So today's the end of spring break, but the beginning of the end of school for us seniors, I just wish it could be over soon. I had the weirdest dream last night... this guy was outside in the roundabout, and he had a blue ridge pearl Impreza 2.5RS like mine, but it had some stuff done to it, like a glass sunroof conversion, and a 98 spec rear bumper, which looked kinda crappy, and a version 6 wing, and like a TV, but like 200 people were crowding around it. It was cool and okay, and I even liked it, but for some reason something came over me, and I said outta nowhere "what a piece of shit" and everyone looked at me, and I didn't even mean to say it, but I couldn't stop, I kept bad mouthing it, and the guy was like dumbfounded and pissed off. Worse yet the guy knew Tim, and he was trying to show Tim how cool it was, and here's me slamming the shit out of his car... I felt horrible. Then we walked off, and Tim was like "that's the rudest, stupidest thing you've ever done" and for some reason, i knew that, but I was like "he deserved it, his car was shit" and I couldnt' stop insulting it, I was out of control... I don't know what happened... oh well, I was glad it was just a dream when I woke up.