I laughed the loudest who'd of known?

Dec 23, 2005 19:05

Smile First thing in the morning.
Get it over with.
I would be unstoppable.
If i could just get started.

Be yourself.
Nobody is better Qualified.
Life is full of challange and frustration.
But sooner or later you'll find the right hairstyle you like.
Always remember you are Unique...Just like everyone else.
If at first you do succeed,
Try not to look too astonished.
If at first you dont succeed,
Swallow all evidence that you tried.
No one is listening until you make a mistake.

I never made WHO'S WHO
but im featured in WHAT'S THAT.

All Power corrupts.
Absolute power is kinda neat.
The trouble with work is ...
It's all so daily.

I try to take one day at a time ...
But sometimes several days attack me at once.
I am not Tense.
Just terribly, Terrably alert.

Whenr you're in it up to your ears...
it pays to keep your mouth shut.
If you can keep your head,
when all about you are losing theirs -
It's quite possible you haven't grasped the situation.

I have one nerve left and your getting on it.

no day is so bad that it can't be fixed with a nap.

If you dont agree with me,
It means...
You havent been listening.
You dont have to agree with me, but it's quicker.
Never go to bed mad -
stay up and fight.
You'll always be my best friend...
You know too much.
Your secrets are safe with me... and all my friends.
I don't repeat gossip..so listen carefully.
Do you beleve in love at first site?
Or should i walk past again?

Anyone can be passionate.
But it takes real lovers to be silly.
Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.

If you leave me ...
Can i come too?

The moment you have children,
you forgive your parents... EVERYTHING.
the quickest way for a parent to get a kids attention...
is to sit down and look comfortable.
There are a few things more satifying than seeing your children have teenagers of their own.
you cant stay young forever.
But you can be immature for the rest of your life.

I want it all -
and i want it delevered!
I didnt claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat roughage!
Never eat more than you can lift.
Its been lovely.
But I have to s c r e a m now.

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