Dreamland Time

Mar 03, 2010 11:51

  • Was hanging out with Zacky and Dusty and some work people (sort of mutations of multiple people in a few people's forms).
  • We were going to a comedy show but it was some kind of theme night or ladies night or something so the guys all got dressed up in dresses. Not in drag, no makeup, just guys in dresses. Me in a velvet long skirt and long sleeve top (which I've worn before for Halloween) and Dusty was in a silk spagetti strap long dress.
  • We left the show and got in to the back of a pickup. It had tall wooden walls and wood benches to sit on. I remember thinking 'omg were going to get pulled over for not wearing seat belts' or 'we're going to fall out of this thing'
  • We got to some house where other work people were. The only one i recognized was Webster who wasn't at the comedy show but was wearing a dress anyways. He got up to get more wine after spilling some on the floor
  • People were playing some video game
  • I was waiting for Dusty to finish using the bathroom because i had to go.
I woke up. I had to go pee..  so I did, then went back to bed.
  • Went to get food with Dusty and a girl who kind of reminded me of Serena, my Tully's barista. It was a food stand setup in the parking lot of a park that kind of reminded me of Volunteer Park.
  • I was bored of waiting so I went to go sit down in the grass. Then people started to count down and when I turned around to see what was going on a big flame shot across the grass and hit some shack sized house and ungulfed it in flames. When the fire ball lifted the shack was just grey ashes and smoldering smoke, nothing was left to burn.
  • Then I went back and couldn't find Dusty or Serena and started walking back to my work which was right next to the entrance of the park. There was buildings on the east side of the walkway so I knew it wasn't Volunteer Park.
  • Dusty jumped out at me and we continued to my work.
  • Dusty needed to use Excel but he just opened a file and needded help clearing it but couldnt figure out how to delete info.
and then my alarm woke me up


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