Jun 20, 2007 12:39
I caught another bass this weekend. Then the next day I got a $90 ticket for fishing without a license (off the dock, no less). Boooooo. First time I've ever been checked in 28 years, so I guess it's still cheaper than if I had bought a license every year.
In FFXI news, my Cleric's Briault dropped last night in Dynamis, and I almost missed getting it because I didn't see it drop in the chat log. 4 minutes later when Talis said "Cleric's -> Woochekitty" I almost shat myself (we go by a system where you have to send Talis a /tell if you want AF2 when it actually drops, he doesn't pre-calculate priorities beforehand), but fortunately Talis quickly reversed his announcement and let me lot it.
My attendance has been spotty in Dynamis since my break and I honestly would have passed the Briault if there were any other active WHM's around that wanted it, but Wooche has only attended 2 of our last 20 runs so I didn't feel too guilty about taking it. Time to go change my Regen macros... wonder if it would be worth tossing a merit or two in Regen now too?
Back-to-back Kirins last week, and we [i]finally[/i] got not one, but two Wyrmal Legs to drop! I looked up our history on W.Legs, and we got a total of 3 pairs to drop in all of 2006 (out of 27 or so kills) - we were definitely overdue for some more. Grats to Jaye and Asu on them, you guys waited a looong time for those :).
Won our 3rd attempt at Einherjar last week too, but nothing good dropped. Einherjar is fun and I like that it doesn't take all night to do, but the randomness of it is kind of annoying. Our first 2 tries we got screwed over by like 24 skeletons/dark elementals and the (as of now) unbeatable Marid boss, but our 3rd try we lucked out with just 12 bats and the Wivre boss.
Still working on meriting on my COR, 2/3 Snake Eye and 1/3 Fold now. Snake Eye is incredible; I don't think most people realize how powerful it is. It actually turns us into pretty reliable refreshers, and I've been hitting a lot more XI's on all kinds of rolls than I was before. Hitting XI is huge for COR; it gives us a buff of literally twice the strength of our expected average for almost every roll, and it's about the only thing that puts something like Chaos Roll on par with a BRD's Minuet. I hit 5 XI's last night on Evoker's Roll in Dynamis last night, and seeing the mages get 5 mp/tick from it (with SMN in party) was sweet.
I still need to buy a wedding gift for my high school friend's wedding this weekend. She has no registry and she lives in China with her fiance, and I have no idea what would make a good gift that she could easily bring back there. She leads a pretty interesting life out there; she works part-time at a foster home, and makes money on the side by translating subtitles from English to Chinese on pirated movies and TV shows. Her fiance is a jazz drummer who opened a jazz bar in rural China with his 3 American friends, and has been unsuccessfully trying to get the locals out there interested in listening to Duke Ellington and Miles Davis. They're both extremely cool people and I'm looking forward to seeing them as well as a lot of my other high school friends this weekend.