Mary's engagement ring should be arriving in the mail tomorrow. Someone from
Blue Nile called me last night to let me know that one of the side diamonds was actually .01 carat larger than they had listed on the website, giving me the option of cancelling the order and choosing different ones (not worth the trouble, and hey, it's a free .01 carat!).
In FFXI news, SE just released the Anniversary Ring as part of a limited time special event to commemorate 5 years since the game started. 10 charges, +100% exp, 3000 bonus each time = free 30k exp total, /drool. I need to get one of these, even if I might not be playing FFXI for awhile. As far as I know my PS2 still runs, I just can't see anything besides a few garbled pixels of the game on my TV. I wonder if I can log on, warp to Bastok, and find the moogle that gives it out purely by memory without being able to see where I'm going? Having this ring would make leveling a new job or subjob in the future a LOT less painful.
Busy few weeks coming up. Mom's birthday, Mother's Day, Mary's Birthday, parents' anniversary, Dad's 60th birthday, and Father's Day, followed by 2 weddings.