May 02, 2006 21:19
Woke up. finished a book. ate. went to the bank to try and figure out my crazy balance problems. picked up some $ at Bagel Works. dropped off rent check. ate more. threw up from eating too much. watched DVDs. napped. got ride to campus with Cutter. got out of the car and was immediately abducted by Nicole, Jess and Emily. picked up Wallis. got goofy pictures taken. went to BNG. Sym showed up. parted ways. went to clusters. Kelly showed up. showed me that link up there.
"You're hanging out with a car full of stoned girls AGAIN, Kyle"
"At least I'm not getting a makeover."
1 hour later.
"Sleepover at Jess'!"
"Kyle, you have to come!"
"Let's give him a makeover!"
Oh, and in BNG Wallis edited the TNH headline "Slipping through Mount Washington's back door" to "Slipping through to mount Washington's back door"
so funny.