Do I only go post on here when I feel bad, or what?

May 28, 2012 23:28

GRANTED I made a derp and feel bad about it right now, but it should blow over soon enough!

Not much is going on at the moment... On summer break right now. It's been 2 or 3 weeks since I got out of class! Hopefully there's more to do next semester that I can go. It was pretty brief thanks to not getting priority registration and missing out on two classes. Bleh! Still not sure what I wanna study. I don't know a lot about life, and that's giving me a bit of trouble. I hope I can get a job over the summer, but that's proven to be pretty difficult! Let's see what lies in the future?

In BETTER NEWS, I've gotten some somewhat recent help on my story/world idea, Osoror 12. Pending title, I guess--I forget what the 12 is for. Zones...? Anyway, there was only a limited amount of help I could get with what I've decided thus far, but reassurances and even getting love on some designs goes a long way in RAISING MY CONFIDENCE STAT so that I feel like I can go somewhere with it! Still, gotta gotta get some more work done on it. It's still been a while since I did anything with it. Been playin' games instead. (THAT'S NOT HOW YOU MAKE A GAME) (Osoror 12 is a game idea, for reference)

In regards to games, I've been on a Shin Megami Tensei kick. Currently playing Strange Journey, a REALLY HARD mainline SMT game. It's also my first, which might explain my lack of preparedness. Also, I feel like the demons judge me really hard. I just want everyone to be friends, man, stop telling me to go die! (I'm up to the fight with Mitra in Bootes)

I can't think of much else to talk about. Recently also getting into Yugioh cards again. There are also a few "projects" I want to work on over the summer, but it is daunting. Yet, with more people supporting me, maybe I really can do it!

Haha, anyway, that's all for now. toodloo

hi im flint

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