My Sanctuary

Jul 29, 2008 22:32

Today was definitely off. Since 6 AM this morning when my dad up and left for work without doing ANYTHING.

My mom and little sister are spending the night in Toronto at my grandma's house. So, since the fighting has still affected both of my parents, my dad was likely to come home in a drunken state. Which then led to the trip to my sister's house. We all decided it'd be best to spend the night at her place, just to be sure about things.

I woke up early, 10 AM, to go and hand out resumes before bailing more hay at my uncles house. So we went to westmount mall, me David and Brittany. David applied so a clean-up job or something, a job where you get paid to just partrol the mall and clean up any bits of trash. I applied at Laura Secord and A&P. Jamie had told me how well her applying to A&P had worked out, they hired her on the spot. So, I decided it was worth the effort. I handed in my resume, and the girl at the customer services desk called the manager for further information about my working there. I waited for the manager type person, Tim, he seemed nice enough to be honest. I thouht I'd be a babling idiot, like I usually am when there's pressure involved. But it turned out alright. He told me that he had some stuff he had to do, and that he'd probably call me for a proper interview. So, the application form was now covered in information on the back from the little interview, and I can't wait to go in for the actual interview. I was actually very calm about the whole thing, something I didn't expect. So, I have a good chance on getting the job :P Jamie, be my coworker?

Afterwards, me and David went to bail hay at my uncles house. Once we were there, we couldn't find him, so we waited around on his front yard in some shade, sometimes knocking on his door just in case he had been sleeping or something. Apparently, the neighborhood watch is REALLY protective. This neighbour who was racking up the dirt in his field asked us why we were there and blah blah blah, making sure we weren't crooks. Sure enough, my uncle was in the back racking up the rest of the hay, but as soon as he comes out. A police cruiser pulls into the driveway. The guy asked us a bunch of questions, apparently we were described as "two suspicious young males, looking into windows and wearing black shirts" We had been knocking on the door and it was 1 in the afternoon, we had no car. How dumb can people be? As if two teenagers would rob a house in broad daylight, with no vehicles and would knock on the door previous to break ins. Anyway, the report was filled out, nothing put onto a permanent record or anything, he just needed to do that, that's how the polcie system works.

After bailing hay, which left me burned, exhausted and rechedly smelly, I went back home. Brittany was eager to leave, afraid my dad was going to come home and bitch about us leaving. Thankfully, we gathered our stuff and left in time. I knew that Iris, my new baby kitten, had to come. If she didn't come, she would be in real trouble. She is my baby afterall <3

So, we got to sis' house, where hot dogs and KD was made. We chilled out for a bit, I made sure to check on Iris every commercial break, she was locked away in the spare bedroom, to ensure her safety from Tubby and ProunKitane (Sisters dog and cat) Iris has really grown, she's learned to use her litter box, which is the best thing right now. She really does make sure she's safe, by checking with me. I've been taking care of her for the most part, my little sister Rachel doing minor things. We decided to trade off when Iris spends the night in a room. My room, then hers and repeated switching. Rachel realized she hardly gets any sleep when iris is in her room, so I think it'll be my room permanently. Iris is so cute though, she always purrs when I pet her and she loves to be around me. I'm a mother XD

My dad ended up calling my sister at one point, where a 2 hour long convo happened. Meanwhile, while she bitched at him for al that he's done wrong, Sam and I were having REAL conversation. Since Sam and my sister are so serious, I've grown to look to Sam as my sister. My same aged sister :P She's only a year or two older than me, so she's basically going through what I am, although she faced all of it at a MUCh younger age. She's like my mom, she's gone through a lot of shit in her life, and managed to stay afloat. But, I really liekd talking with Sam, she provides really good conversation and it'seasy to talk to her. She's like my best friend, within the family, same goes for Rachel. But I have good times with all my family members, I love my family.

Which brings me to now, I'm sitting in my sister's spare bedroom, typing on her mac computer. Iris is running around on the floor, playing with anything she can find. She goes until she crashes, but when it comes time for bed, she knows to settle down, she always sleeps next to me <3

Today was really eventful, considering my usual boring life. My legs hurt like a bitch, which is strange, but w/e. I met this guy from Guelph and he's really cool. he's going to the university of Guelph for zoology, which is what I will probably end up doing. He said that I should go to guelph, because it has some really great programs for animal study. I might just do that, it's always an option.

I'm really looking foeward to getting a job, that way, I can get money for the things I want to buy. I already have a list, so, I need to shorten it. I messed up my hours during the intervew though, I said my minimum was 10 and my maxium was like, 26? I hope he doesn't take that seriously. I'll cut it down during the actual interview, hopefully that'll be soon.

I'm happy to say that although my life right now is on edge, things also seem to be going pretty well. It's kind of a win-lose situation. Except, I'm winning and losing at the same time, they are both equivalent, nevermind that. I'm being fail, that's what a win-lose situation IS. wow KyleFAIL.

mom, rachel, paul, jamie, brittany, iris, dad, pets, conversations, sam, david, job, drama

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