[Akame evidence] Cartoon KAT-TUN II You con + Shounen Club = AKAME <3

Dec 14, 2010 00:02

It's been a while since I've posted here in my lj *laughs* I'm back now :) and finally! School's over for me YATTA! *dances* I've been working on these evidences a few weeks ago, and to celebrate my come back, I decided to add one more XDDD All in all, I have three (3) AKame evidences to show to make up for my MIA-ness XD
This one is dedicated to setteann  *hug* Hope you'll like this post of mine, Sette-chan :D

Disclaimer: I'm just a delusional and weird AKame fangirl and this post is not insinuating anything about them being gay and all. I just miss these two and I am definitely making up stuff so please don't bash me *bows* First off! The infamous AKame moment at Cartoon KAT-TUN II You Con :) Not sure if this was posted before and I think it was *dies* but still let me make my analysis ne? :) :) Okay... so it started with Koki advertising his drama, Tokkyu Tanaka San Go...

When Jin started saying that he watched the so called drama :)  

and so he explained that the last episode he watched was when Koki said bye bye on the phone but according to Koki, it was not on the phone lol akanishiXDDDD

and so to save his lover bandmate, Kame came to the rescue *grins* by changing the topic to Koki's kissing scene :P  

but Koki explained that the kiss was during the episode where Kame appeared which made our Jinjin curious about it :)

Thus, he decided to say, "YOU GUYS KISSED?" with Maru backing him up with a "Koki kissed right?" and Bakanishi adding, "With Kamenashi." His facial expression was priceless *laughs* You can see the jealousy on it as well as on the way he spoke =))

On the next part of the MC, Kame was talking about how long Koki's hair is becoming :)  

and he explained about the showers he had with Koki before the show and in the past especially how Koki looked after the bath XD KOKAME *dies*


Because of this, our dear Bakanishi, concluded that...  

Can we hear/see a hint of jealousy? *squints hard* On to the second evidence...I watched the SC Gekkan KoyaMaru clip [12.06.2009] where Maru finally had pictures of the KAT-TUN members. But really, did he show all members? Let's see XD First photo Maru showed was that of Koki and Ueda in their private clothes :)  

Then next was the photo of Junno and his fresh face, according to Koyama :D

Since Maru explained that he has three photos, the third would most likely be either Jin or Kame or BOTH of them *squeals* BUUUT this appeared!

and so Maru apologized and said that those were the only pictures he got, which made Koyama puzzled so he asked Maru about Akanishi and Kamenashi :)

and this, was Maru's response which, for me, totally screams AKame <3 <3

It sound so fishy ne~ Does that mean Kame and Jin went home TOGETHER? kyaaaaaaaa *faints*

Okay, I am totally being crazy about this, but don't you think Maru's statement could mean a lot of things? *pokes* And I've finally reached the last evidence :> :>

By this time, I've become the total delusional AKame fangirl, so bear with me *bows* I've gotten hold of the latest SC episode, thanks to my lovely friend who got it from pornvilai and showed it to me, where Kame was the guest and he performed his new song, "Plastic Tears."

At the start, they had a short intro and so on, and here comes Kame singing a song, BUT WAIT. Did I hear it right? He sang it in English? *akira shock*



So pretty handsome in that animal print clothing *sighs happily*  

and so, don't you think he is getting better at speaking/singing in English? *smiles* Maybe, just maybe, he asked his Jinjin to teach him ne~ *gets bricked* of course, the last but not the least and the part that totally is AKame... during Kame's performance of Plastic tears ( I soo love the song XD so smexy *drools) he did a certain dance step...

It does look familiar right? *grins* Of course it does since Jin was the first one who thought of that step during their Queen of Pirates Con *squeals*

Once again, I am just a crazy AKame fangirl so please please don't bash me or hate me because I'm doing this -.- I just miss these two and and... yeah *pouts* The videos were gotten from pornvilai , newshfan

Gomen if this is a long post *bows* Hope you enjoyed it *huuug*
Comments are looooved &hearts
and oh! Previous akame evidences I made could be found here :)

kat-tun member: kamenashi kazuya, single: plastic tears, otp: akame, con: cartoon kat-tun ii you, show: shounen club, solo artist: akanishi jin, news member: koyama keiichiro, kat-tun member: nakamaru yuichi

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