(no subject)

Mar 08, 2007 02:31

If you Can Find a show, or if you can get Ahold of the First release from DESIDERATA
do it, I dont give lain and his enough love but, well out of talking to laine, and the fact its been in heavy cycle on my ipod for the last month
Go Find "We Are Not Convinced there Has Been Any Improvement" its their first, its gold, I dig it, and If were freinds its proves, i have decent taste and you can trust me.
Two best Tracks are "Eli's night Out as a Paparazzi" and "You Think you know SOmeone until they stab you int he face with a potatoe peeler"

So Yea, Desiderata, ch ch check em out.

What else,
hmm, weird dream last night, my best friend got eaten by a whale while we were trout fishing in a kiddie pool, weirdest part is i jumped in to save 'im, could breath underwater and had to swim for almost an hour to find the whale, and my watch cracked cause i was so deep...in a kiddie pool

Significance/Life Leassons? Always drop a hand grenade or two into pools before attempting to fish out of them. Or go fishing with a 3rd friend who has a gun for shooting monkeys at whales.

Whales..esp narwhales HATE monkies...

Uh, The Season Affective Disorder bullshit i think peaked, summited/plateau'd (or since its season affected depression would it be, valleied? or bottom'd out? fuck who knows) last week, I dont know why but i was in a lame ass slump and i dont fuckin dig it at all when that shit creeps up on me. I curse too much for my own good. But yea, so things are once again on the rise, esp. due to the fact I get to be reunited with....EZEKIAL THUNDERCHICKEN ESQUIRE THE THIRD on saturday... Me and Ezekial are spending 10 days on top of a G-Wagon in Dundurn Saskatchistan
With...LIVE AMMO! Live ammo convoy shoot, then fixed range shoot, then toss the BFA on and its rock and roll all out warfare for 9 days.... Iiiiiiim fucking stoked, i get to do what i trained for, not operating a broom for 4 hrs on a wedensday, but actually being a recce crew soldier.

Maybe its time to finally say Hello Reg Force. Or maybe Not, Who knows.
I might go to wainwright for 2 years, CMTC OpForce contract, but i dont know yet

I want a tin of peaches right now

Yes this is mental diarhhea, i am aware, but it's ok, i havent gutted this shit out in ages

Important Upcoming Events- im gone for a week and a bit on saturday, I have a recce patrol comp. in kelowna in april, hopefully it doesnt interdict the concert dates for Social Distortion on April24th! In may steve and I are roadtrippin to 3 Bouncing souls shows in a row for shits and gigs, E Mitten, Calgorew, and Baniff... This summer i will become all too acquainted with wainwright, I will get drunk at JD's all to many times, I will sleep with women of looser morals then I who most likely outrank me, but cant promote me and I will buy a car.

But First, im going to sleep.
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