WTF dude, I got fat
Trillian and I went to an event where she was promoting a new play and a few days later, someone sent us some photos. Being behind the camera you rarely see yourself and when I opened the email, there was no denying it ... somehow since the last time I'd frozen the mental picture of how I looked, I got fat.
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The best thing you can possibly do is cut out ALL animals foods, and lower your fat intake, up your carbs - this will give you ENERGY to work out. Ignore EVERYONE that says to not eat carbs, it is insanity - the thing is, what most people consider carbs are things also loaded with fat.
I eat unlimited calories - as much as I want, I just make sure I keep my fat intake down. Best carb source is fruit - as much as you want. Also greens, as much as you want. For fats, nuts and seeds, coconut, avocado, limited amounts. Use and watch your fat intake. Try to keep it between 10-15% of your daily calories. Do NOT cut your calories or you WILL binge especially if you are exercising that much, you will simply not have the energy to do it, and you will reach for something with high calories, your body will be so glucose-deficient it will not be satiated by something low -calorie. Also, you don't NEED to work out that much. Work on your nutrition, first.
The highest calorie fruits will be your best friend - fresh dates, bananas (RIPE ones, with some spots), mangoes.
If you do not want to do a full raw diet, them have steamed sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, squash, and don't use much salt, or any at all. Sweet sweet potatoes are bitchin' on their own with some spices and chopped green onion.
Whatever you do, the most important things to know are do NOT cut your calories (eat MORE of the RIGHT calories - fruit + veg!) because your body will go into starvation mode and STORE fat. You also must eat plant food ONLY. Get enough SLEEP. Move your body but don't overdo it. Limit salt intake, limit fat intake, even from plants. If you must, at first, eat whatever you want as long as it is plant-based and raw - leave out all oils.
If you want more advice I have lots and lots. This way of eating is simple, satiating, and the healthiest option, and weight comes off EFFORTLESSLY.
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