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Jun 09, 2010 07:57

We went to the orchestra last night to see Mozart's Violin Concerto No. 5 and two pieces by Strauss, (Don Quixote and Don Juan.) The Mozart was german violinist Arabella Steinbacher shredding on a Stradivarius for 45 minutes. I think if you had the fingers of one hand in which to list all of the worlds greatest geniuses Mozart would make the short cut. The Strauss was a punchy group effort -- I think our seats stage left may have made us cello centric over the past couple of years so it was nice to see Finnish cellist Arto Noras featured.

There's really something about going to the orchestra that makes me feel like I'm part of something grand. Sitting there with trillian_stars I thought I really love this life.

I hope you're loving yours today. And I hope you go get tickets to the orchestra.
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