It's scary to think that I have written so much lately but have so little to say to everyone on lj. It's probably because I talk to most of my friendslist on IRC or AIM or something, or maybe I just have nothing interesting to say.
So a lot has happened since my last post. I live in Chelsea now, in a three's company style arrangement with Pam and a coworker. The apartment is so much nicer than my old place, but I don't really have many
pics up yet, I've been too lazy.
Last night Pam and I went to a show (my first since I moved here, yeesh). Opening acts were Read Yellow (eh), Turing Machine (cool), and controller.controller (also cool). Death from Above 1979 was headlining and they totally rocked out. So much energy and noise from two guys+2 instruments, it was an amazing show. I only discovered them a few months ago but they are about to blow up.
Ran into David Cross again, I seem to see him everywhere. If only he knew who I was! I'd love to come up with something to say to him next time I see him that doesn't involve me gushing about Arrested Development. Everytime I get the chance to meet a celebrity I say the straight up dumbest shit. I don't even know why, I don't really get starstruck.. but I guess I do say stupid shit all the time, so it sort of makes sense.
I'm extremely bored at work today, I don't really have any projects on my plate that I want to tackle, or need to get tackled, so I'm sort of trying to tidy up some loose ends. Next week I'm headed to Cali for the first stop on the 2005
NPPL tour. If only I was playing instead of doing media coverage! We're doing some really cool stuff this time around using isights, wide angle lenses, miles of firewire and this cool software called
Wirecast. We can stitch multiple video streams into one and do cool overlays and stuff. Hopefully it will actually work, because we're now charging people to view the "premium" feeds.
I also have a trip to Chicago (well Indiana) coming up, and an Ulrich Schnauss/M83 show :D Other than that, I've been treading water, burning bridges, subverting the dominant paradigm, the usual stuff. If I wasn't so bored I might delve into some of the breakthroughs I've had lately, but it seems like too much effort.