Mass Geolocation Script (PHP)

Apr 26, 2011 16:02

Originally published at Kyle Boddy. You can comment here or there.

I recently wrote a mass geolocation script in PHP since Google seems to be taking down all the websites that offer this vital service. Right now it:
  • Checks a table for records without lat/long coordinates
  • Sends those records' addresses to Google's geolocation API
  • Updates your records with the lat/long coordinates

It checks for the "#" sign and handles it since Google has problems with translating "2020 Anywhere Place #200" as a real address, but there are probably other errors I haven't adequately checked for.

At the moment it updates records that are missing lat/long coordinates and writes zeroes into those fields if it can't geolocate the address correctly. As a result, if you run the script again, it will assume those records were updated correctly and will pass over them, since they are not null. This is a known issue and is one (of many) areas of improvement for the script.

I didn't want to spend a ton of hours on the script to make it a full-fledged awesome service, since Google doesn't seem to like that. It's just a basic script that handles common problems and works well enough.

You can get it over at my GitHub repo page for GeoCode. Enjoy.

mysql, github, lat long coordinates, google maps, php, software development, geolocation, geocode

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