I always thought that if I held you tightly, you'd always love me like you did back then

Nov 17, 2005 02:01

This is probably the last time i will update before I go home for thanksgiving. And I will most likly not post when I am home.. beacue I usually forget to do things like that when I am home.

So Im writing a paper on American Beauty right now.. what a fucking amazing movie. And I started doing it at 12 am.. I think that was bad planning on my part but ill just have to deal with it. Im taking a break right now because its a little taxing on me right now, so a short break wont hurt.

I was up untill 6am monday writting another paper.. that one sucked. at least this paper is somewhat easier to write.

Im kind of excited and not excited to go home for thankgiving right now. Wierd, if you had asked me a few weeks ago how i felt about going home I would have sung a different tune. one about how i cant wait to get a break from school and blah blah blah blah. but now I kind of wish I had another two weeks here to get some things in order before I leave, well not in order but better than they are now. But I guess I will just have to wait untill i get back and start things up again. sucks.

as of right now, i have no idea about the trip home and where i will stay, i talked to marcel and he said we may be able to sleep with his bro in DC, but if we cant get a place to stay we will sleep in richmond and have to deal with DC traffic the next day, i dont really mind traffic though... well yeah i do but not as much as some people do. and i think jed and i may watch movie or listen to the harry potter books on our way back so that will be fun.

I guess i should get back to working on this paper. oh and btw im going to harry potter tomorrow at 12 and im really excited about it. dont know who with yet but it will be fun regardless.
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