Summer is over.

Sep 13, 2006 03:08

So yes, the summer is over, classes start tomorrow and I guess an update should be at hand. I read Dave's and thought... I havnt updated in a while, so here goes.

Summer was awesome. Home was as always an amazing time, and who could forget St Pete??? But Savannah is where I spent most of my time, working The UB. This past summer I have made some new and amazing friends, lost some friends and had to say goodbye to other friends who went to start their lives. Many days were spent on the beach, drinking too much. Smoking too much and having too much fun everyday.

The first half of the summer was spent with some amazing friends from work, who have all moved on from Uncle Bubba's, but I'm still there. some moved to different jobs and i still talk to them, but not nearly as often and it is a little different now. Some moved away to start a life for themselves, and my best buddy from work Chris is leaving this friday. I will miss him the most of the friends who have come and gone this summer. I dont know what I will miss the most... the many many times we came to work hungover from partying too much the night before.. closing bars almost everytime we go out to have "one drink" or getting into political debates and having him throw a stool in tha bar and almost getting us kicked out! He threw me one of the best birthdays i have ever had and it will never be forgotten even if I cant remember some of it.

Working the Paula Deen show gave me great experience about how a set should be run and how early i will have to be getting up for the rest of my life.

This summer i have found new activates and interests, wheather it be staying up way too late with Nabil watching every episode of the OC, or the massive ammounts of hours we put into playing board games. Settlers of Catan logging the most hours.

The summer closes on a high notes and low notes. Chris leaves and work will never be as much fun again. but the high notes make up for any low point. Nabil and My script is finally finished for our senor project. We may even have a few G's funding (fingers crossed) and most recently, I have been seeing someone... I dont really know if it will go anywhere but i can hope. But it has given me some confidence in the area of the ladies. So no matter what happens with her... I know I made the most of it...

Three more quarters and I have to enter the real world, but as of right now... I start my 4th year at scad on a very high note, knowing that I made the most of my summer... now all I have to do is make the most of these final 3 quarters.

Sorry about the length but, you know how it goes...
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