Here's a poster I did last month to advertise, seriously, the best idea ever: Opera Teas! It's an afternoon of opera followed by an exquisitely fancy tea service, hosted by the Timothy Eaton Memorial Church.
Here's a concept from the first batch.
As the client hashed out the details of the event, however, they decided they wanted to go for something a little more traditional and figurative - I was told, 'ladies drinking tea'. I thought, I'm really allowed to draw ladies drinking tea? Perfecto, that's my cup of tea.
Here are a couple from the next batch.
The client went with the first one, likin' the Victorian feel, and so here's the final, with space for the monthly line-up.
I'm more comfortable sticking with illustration, but I have fun trying to design things. I always feel like the end result is a bit clunky, though. Indelicate things from an indelicate mind?
Also: harassing chickens. Always relevant!
I forgot to mention, the incomparable Jordyn B. posted a drawing I sent her, you can see it
over here. More importantly, you can observe her own lovely work! But if you're reading here, why haven't you already been
there? Go go go!