Peninsular Pie?

Oct 10, 2010 23:37

Happy Thanksgiving! I should probably take a break from eating pumpkin pie and watching movies about the Peninsular War - it's Kyla's Pie and Peninsula marathon! - so this seems like a good time to scrounge some homeless things off my hard drive and slap them up here.

Here's an old doodle of Gen, since I mentioned him before. I think with the cloak I was aiming for 'Byzantine' and somehow landed firmly in the realm of 'Gen looks like a girl'.

I guess this was Zevran. I guess it still is!

Some initial sketches for Arina I meant to post with her concept.

One video game reference per day! That's my quota.
But really, why is wildlife always so bloodthirsty in video games?

And now to thoroughly humiliate myself:

Yes, I needed to call the Embassy for advice on how hard to push a door. It's good to know the Embassy's got your back (even if they're laughing at it).

comics, sketches, video games

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