Doujinshi buying help

Feb 09, 2012 13:48

Help! Old doujinshi friends. I need this doujinshi from a Japanese yahoo auction, but it'll only ship to Japan. I need a third party in Japan to order it and send it to me.

Can anyone recommend an individual or service in Japan who will order this and send it my way in the States? Are any services recommended these days? If it's an individual, I'll of course cover all fees plus extra for their service.

It's been too long since I've ordered doujinshi through any means other than an LJ sales post or ebay. I've never used an official service; I've always gotten help from LJ users or online manga friends, and I'm not sure that I have those contacts anymore.

Time matters, since the auction ends in two days. :x Any suggestions? ♥


[ETA] I'm looking at Rinkya, but I'm wary of any service that might add on more mystery fees throughout the process for the hell of it, and it looks like Rinkya's system is designed to do just that. And its high commission fee: so as long as the auction (I think it's just the auction) stays at 1000 yen or less, I don't get charged a $20 commission fee. But as soon as that hits 1001 yen, the $20 fee gets added on. Goodness, that's a bit of a jump in price considering the cost of the item is only about $10.01 (well, more like $13 since the dollar is shit).

That's in addition to a $15 handling fee - that includes the few dollars cost of shipping within Japan, and might or might not cover other things.

Anyone have experience with them to offer reassurances? Or advice to run away?

I want the doujinshi, but not at any cost.
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