Holy crap. I'm going to go ahead and say that this was the best episode of SV I've seen in a while.
First off, I totally love the "hero wakes up in the psych ward" story. Sure, maybe it's a bit overdone, but unless it's a train wreck I find it generally works well for me. There's something about having the hero's life, and the things that make them special-like Clark's alien heritage and powers here, or Buffy's gift/position as Slayer in the episode "Normal Again"-that's really disturbing. I think it's the twisted wish fulfillment. Usually in series where the hero is set apart, there's a certain amount of desire to be "normal" and not have to deal with the stresses and difficulties of being a hero, to not be seperated from everyone else; in the psych ward story, that desire is granted, but it really invalidates everything that makes the hero special and meaningful, plus they have the added liability of now being an outsider of a different, far more vulnerable sort (a crazy person). If you're a superhero or mage or whatever, then even if you're stuck on the outside you have power and *do something* for the world at large, but if you're just another mental patient then not only are you stuck on the outside but you're looked down on and essentially powerless in the environment of the ward.
Also, I think there were just a lot fewer things that pissed me off when watching this. The biggest thing technically was that I found the info dump given by the doctor early on a bit awkward. Other than that it was mainly just Lana that pissed me off, but that's nothing unusual. GOD DAMN IT KRISTIN, STOP WHISPERING ALL THE TIME. Writers, please make up your minds as to whether Clark and Lana are over or not. I'm hoping for over, because really I'm just tired of it. But hey, other than that it's all good.
I found myself thinking back to Lex's stay in Belle Reve during this episode. Clark and Lex's rift made this episode even more poignant for me, because I think if it had come earlier more good might have come of it. I think Clark probably better understands what Lex went through now, and I wonder whether he would have been more forthcoming with Lex about what happened to him if this had occurred before the two of them split permanently. Okay, and also if they weren't all pissy right now then there could have been totally adorable "Clark is overjoyed that Lex is all right and they grin a lot" scenes at the end. Oh seasons 1 through 3, how I miss you.
CHLOE. ♥ Oh alternate Chloe, sticking with Clark even when you're both possibly clinically insane. And aww, Clark trying to focus on her being his friend and helping him rather than the uncomfortable "crazy" topic that he knows would bug Chloe (and hey, it's not like him telling her that would actually be helpful).
To top it all off, OMG J'onn! Martian Manhunter is an awesome guest hero to have, since as an alien I think he'll be rather comforting to Clark. Sure, Clark knows other people with powers and some who do the hero thing as well, but it seems like him being fundamentally not human in a way beyond that isolates Clark a bit more. J'onn knows what it's like to be *really* far away from home. Unfortunately I don't know if he'll show up again before next season.
SV, you made me happy this week. Yay!
Next week: Red K again? I dunno. Clark looks hot and Lois is apparently starting to notice him, which is officially far too early, SV. Don't let me down after this episode, y'all.
Supernatural, I love you so fucking much. The Dr. Who Cybermen? Awesome.
I think if Sam wants something he needs to make a bet with Dean that he not hit on any women for an entire day. Because I'm pretty sure he'd win that one. Oh, Dean. XD
It was interesting to have a side character in the "conspiracy nut" mold, but who's not a hunter. They bring a sort of similar outsider train of thought, but the lack of training and experience that hunters have creates a different dynamic with the brothers. Of course, in the end it just reinforces that the Winchesters really can't have anybody else involved in their lives, because it's simply too dangerous for anyone who doesn't have that training. Poor boys.
Sam, Dean, you two are *totally* screwed. I really don't know how they're going to keep avoiding the law, especially with the new and interesting charges that keep getting tacked on all the time. Unfortunately, it seems as if the show is writing itself into a corner on this issue, and either we're going to end up with a deus ex machina of epic proportions, or the Winchester boys are going to get their asses shot/thrown in jail by the government. Neither of which is something I'm particularly looking forward to. *sigh*
Also, people should not insult Dean's daddy. Well, one just shouldn't mess with his family in general. Grr. The feds are lucky that Sam and Dean only off spooks.
Also, GIP. I figured I needed at least one SPN icon. Line shamelessly stolen from a Captain Kirk motivational poster made by some person on the series of tubes.