Aug 01, 2003 15:01
Well lets see since the last update I wound up in the Emergency Room with chest pains at Three AM in the morning. I would have went in earlier but Nomadd and I were disagreeing if I was even going to go at all. He won the arguemenst so off we went to the hospital. They think I had a small blood clot but there was no damage so they sent me home with instructions for the follow-up. I am doing ok although getting stressed out is not a good thing for me. Nomadd was great that day when we got home from the hospital and cuddled up to me and just held me.
Oh yeah and this last weekend rocked. LdyShaylyn and JennaSlvr came down for the weekend. We did the tourist thing and took some group photos. :o) The weekend flew by way to fast but we all made promises to try to get together more often. It was great to have my sister Shay down here since we don't get to see each other nearly as often as we would like. It was good to see Jenna too since I did not get to see her since right before Thanksgiving. We did a lot of catching up too. Oh that and we had dinner with some friends of mine and Nomadds and there was lots of joy and laughter at the table that night.
Heh and this week I am trying new recipies I got. I made him a cake from scratch earlier in the week.then I made him a peanut butter chocolate cake as a suprise a couple of nights later. heh He loved it and ate two HUGE pieces before dinner which was homemade soup.
Tonight is Lammas so I think we are going to do the eat the veggies and such to celebrate the harvest and to keep from using the stove since it is too hot in here at the moment to even contimplate to do anything that requires cooking. Although if I make another cake we can use the leftover blueberries for the topping well after I get the whipcream which we are out of ::grins::.
Tomorrow is the local renfaire. So we will also be getting out the outfits so we can go and play tomorrow. Will have to see if friends of ours will come down for it.