Feb 14, 2004 12:10
Or as I generally call it, "Single Awareness Day" or "Villaintine's Day". Before I proceed, I would just like to wish everyone (whether he or she has a significant other) a happy Valentine's Day! In spite of my opinion toward this day in general, I still would like to wish everyone who can enjoy this day the best, as it was nothing against couples at all.
So yes yes, I know I have a boyfriend now and I'm supposed to love this day; but honestly my opinion toward this day still hadn't changed. I still think it was somewhat overrated. The way I see it, couples can celebrate their feelings any day of the week, so why devote one particular day to flaunt it in other people's faces?
From what I know of Valentine's Day (I know there're couple versions), it was a holiday in honor of St. Valentines, who died because he went against the law and married loving couples, which prevented the husbands from going to war. Granted, this is just my interpretation but I feek that the man did so because he felt for these couples and believed that people who loved one another should be together rather than be torn apart by the cruelty of war and society.
Therefore, it would seem to me that Valentine's Day was about altruism, family, and sharing and spreading love to everyone. It wasn't just about couples. If all focus was simply on getting gifts from your sweetheart and showing it off to other people, then it defeated the purpose of Valentine's Day. Unfortunately, most of the time this was exactly what I saw. Guys and girls compete with other people to see who spent the most money or get the most gifts.
Granted, I'm not talking about the people who give out Valentines' Day cards and candies to everyone. I'm simply talking about the people who like to flaunt the balloons, teddy bears and other goodies they got from other people. See, the ones who share the love and happiness by passing out cards and candies are the people that I felt who bring out the true meaning of Valentine's Day.
If everyone (single or not) can embrace - in my opinion - the true spirit of Valentine's Day and spread the love to everyone around us, then perhaps, Valentine's Day would not have a negative connotation for some of us who often feel left out on a day that was supposed to be filled with love, selflessness, and joys. So once again, happy Valentine's Day to all!